Your introduction to virtual reality

Workshops and training for individuals and teams, to start creating in VR.

Our Workshops


Digital Storytelling

Through a process of world-building and storytelling, participants each conceive of and create a 3D environment in VR, write a script and edit together their own short film to share.

VR Art Classes

Tilt Brush is an intuitive VR painting application where student can create a 3D artwork with brilliant animated brushes and a limitless canvas. Finished artworks can be uploaded to Google Poly.

VR Facilitator Training

This hands on training session introduces students to VR equipment, technical troubleshooting, onboarding techniques, facilitating self-discovery and maintaining a safe and hygienic ‘playspace’.

VR Studio Popup

A VR Studio Pop-up is a great way to casually exposure your staff or students to immersive technology. VR booths are set up each with their own facilitator to provide introductory experiences in VR. Free play and artistic expression is encouraged in Google’s 3D painting application Tilt Brush. The pop-up can be set up in any workplace, campus or community venue with access to power and a clear flat space.

“I fell in love with VR the first time I tried it. I’m passionate about introducing VR to more people in different industries”

– Jane Venegas, Founder.